Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert resigns ... [before next year's 2 year waiting period for lobbying?]

November 26, 2007 | Hastert formally resigns from Congress, setting special election in motion | Posted by Rick Pearson at 5:05 p.m.

Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert is formally resigning from Congress today.

Hastert said he did so on the advice of attorneys with the aim that a special primary election to replace him could be held on Feb. 5---the same day as the state's regular primary election, which will decide nominees for Hastert's long-term replacement as well.
Hastert, the longest serving GOP House speaker, said he had not explored job opportunities because of the potential for conflicts of interest while still a member of Congress.

More double talk from Hastert. He says he has no plans to lobby, but didn't he earlier say he would become a "consultant"? Are we really to believe this isn't a prelude to lobbying?

And isn't it also true that the current waiting period for lobbying after serving in Congress is one year, but that only after Jan. 1st does it go to 2 years?

Are we really expected to believe this change in the law has nothing to do with Hastert rushing out before the end of the year? ...

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