Wednesday, November 21, 2007

as Edwards says, the fact that "powerful interests, particularly corporate interests, have literally taken over this government."

November 20, 2007 9:35 AM | "Corporate Interests Have Literally Taken Over This Government"

Some folks have asked me why I have written so much about John Edwards in the past few months. The answer can be seen in this short clip. ... or writing a book that's actually called Hostile Takeover: How Big Money & Corruption Conquered Our Government - And How We Take It Back.
John Edwards, as shown by this clip, is speaking out on what I believe is the fundamental issue of our time - an issue that my book shows is at the core of every other issue, whether it is Iraq, wages, health care, retirement security, trade, immigration, global warming, you name it. That issue is what my book is all about - the hostile takeover of our government, or, as Edwards says, the fact that "powerful interests, particularly corporate interests, have literally taken over this government." And Edwards hasn't just been talking about it - he has made a crusade against this, the issue of our day, the centerpiece of his campaign. He has, in short, made it the very reason he is running (which also fits with his impressive career as a plaintiffs attorney going after corporate abusers). ...

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