Sunday, May 08, 2005

Silence about U.S. torture tactics is abhorrent : Where is the Moral Majority now? I don't hear you.

Opinion - "Silence about U.S. torture tactics is abhorrent | May 7, 2005

My friends and I are wondering why the people of the United States are satisfied with an internal investigation into the torture that occurred at Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, and in Afghanistan that exonerates just about everyone above the rank of sergeant.

It appears that, during the period since we went to war in Afghanistan, at least 12 humans have been tortured to death by the U.S. military or employees of the U.S. military.

Torture is worse than murder. A murder victim usually dies quickly with his or her dignity intact. Torture takes an individual to the brink of death repeatedly. In addition, it creates an atmosphere of degradation equivalent to rape.

It appears that we feel this is just not worth getting that upset about.

Where is the Moral Majority now? I don't hear you.

-- Gregory T. Gregg, Salem"

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