Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Does [Bush admin] want stories about forced nakedness, female interrogators using panties and fake menstrual blood, reposts about misuse of Koran?

www.AndrewSullivan.com - Daily Dish: "Tuesday, May 17, 2005 | CALL MacCLELLAN'S BLUFF: Here's the money quote from the president's spokesman:"

[O]ur "military goes out of their way to handle the Koran with care and respect. There are policies and practices that are in place. This report was wrong. Newsweek, itself, stated that it was wrong. ...

Does McLellan really want the press to report more widely on what has been going on at Guantanamo Bay? Does he really want more stories about forced nakedness, female interrogators using panties and fake menstrual blood, and many reports from former inmates about deliberate misuse of the Koran? Well, let it rip, I say. The press's response should not be to whine about the Bush administration pestering them. It should be call McLellan's bluff. Demand far greater access to inmates at Gitmo. Demand that former interrogators be allowed to speak freely to the media. Ask for interviews with CIA interrogators at Gitmo and in Afghanistan. Get military permission to debrief Muslim military chaplain, James Yee. Run long, detailed stories debriefing released Gitmo detainees and try to confirm or debunk their allegations of abuse. Pull together all the reports of abuse of religion in U.S. facilities and explain the full context for readers.

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