Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Schaivo talking point came from GOP Senator Martinez ... in spite of denials everywhere and finger pointing at the Democrats

AMERICAblog: Because a great nation deserves the truth: "Wednesday, April 06, 2005 | I love when conservative bloggers make asses of themselves | by John in DC - 4/6/2005 10:36:00 PM

Below is what the top conservatives (I've expanded it beyond bloggers since so many of those on the right made total asses of themselves) had to say about the now-proven-real Schiavo memo:

Tucker Carlson on Chris Matthews' show:

'Last week a memo surfaced, reportedly written by the Republican members of Congress explaining how to make hay with the Terri Schiavo case, the Talking Points Memo, Ah, I think within a week or two it will become clear that that memo was a forgery, possibly written by Democrats on the hill in an effort to discredit Republicans. Bloggers are saying that now and it sounds like they may be right.'

The Washington Times: Story dated yesterday entitled 'Was the Schiavo memo a fake?'

Sen. Robert F. Bennett, Utah Republican, said the issue 'stinks' of a news fabrication similar to the one that engulfed CBS anchorman Dan Rather during the 2004 presidential campaign, after he reported that President Bush did not fulfill his duties while in the National Guard, citing documents that CBS later admitted could not be authenticated."
"Senator Martinez has never seen the memo and condemns its sentiments," spokeswoman Kerry Feehery said. "No one in our office has seen it, nor had anything to do with its creation."

Fred Barnes via the Washington Times (I think that's a two-fer):

"There wasn't a hint in these reports the memo could have any other source but Republicans. Yet there was no evidence it had come from Republicans. It was unsigned and had no letterhead or date. Nothing indicated it came from the Republican leadership or the House or Senate campaign committee or from the Republican National Committee or even from a stray Republican staffer," Mr. Barnes said.

"The only evidence was of a dirty trick -- and there wasn't much evidence of that. Powerline, the influential blog, found a version of the memo with typos cleaned up on left-wing Web sites.
Rush Limbaugh (not a blogger, but I had to add this blowhard):

"Truth Detector: Supposed GOP Schiavo Memo Forged by Democrats."
Accuracy in Media:

Accuracy in Media today questioned the authenticity of the much-publicized "GOP Talking Points" memo on the Terri Schiavo case. The document has been seized upon by ABC news, the Washington Post, CBS News and other media to accuse Republicans of having partisan motives in trying to save Terri Schiavo. Cliff Kincaid, editor of AIM, said that the major media should explain how they verified the document and why they believe it is authentic. He said evidence suggests that the memo may have been manufactured as part of an effort to make Republicans look bad.....

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