Monday, June 11, 2007

Hugh Makes a List ... because there are just too many scandals to remember

Hugh Makes a List ... because there are just too many scandals to remember

Bush Scandals List: updated 6/10/07, recent changes in red. please contact us with corrections and additions.

1. Walter Reed outpatient treatment, poor living conditions, lack of caseworkers to oversee and facilitate patient care for amputees, brain injured, and psychologically disabled veterans; Walter Reed is not the only military hospital about which questions have been raised; also out there the underfunding of the VA.
2. Firing of US attorneys. ...
3. Plamegate. ...
4. Iraq: axis of evil, lack of preparation for occupation, looting, ...
5. Afghanistan, transferring resources to Iraq before the job was finished, the results: a resurgent Taliban, continuing warlordism, and exploding opium production

6. Iran and saber rattling, axis of evil, lack of engagement, refusal to talk to, addressing the nuclear issue through threats, clumsy attempts to blame Iran for the debacle in Iraq and a failure to recognize their very real interests there.

7. North Korea, axis of evil, ditching the 1994 agreement because of dubious uranium program, the plutonium program which led to a fizzled first nuclear test, and something like a return to the 1994 agreement

8. Osama bin Laden, where are you?
13. SWIFT surveillance of international financial transactions

14. Black prisons and extraordinary rendition to facilitate interrogation by torture

15. Homeland Security: white elephant (organization), black hole (money), Tom Ridge and threat levels, Michael Chertoff and general incompetence

16. K Street Lobbyists, Jack Abramoff, North Marianas, removal of investigating US attorney Frederick Black (Guam),
20. Mark Foley, chairman of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children, resigned over the House page scandal: sending sexually explicit messages to pages

21. Cheney's Energy Policy, Big Oil's writing of it, and refusal to divulge that participation

22. Tax cuts for the wealthiest, corporations and on capital gains; retention of the AMT

23. Global warming: refusal to join Kyoto, denial of manmade origin,
40. Alberto Gonzales: politicization of the department, even down to the intern program, decimation of career lawyers and evisceration of divisions, like civil rights. The US attorney firings and the use of political litmus tests in hiring. The use of corruption, voter suppression, and voter fraud cases to influence elections.
41. FDA: drug testing; food safety: underfunding, cutback in inspections and inspection staff (a decrease of 12% between 2003 and 2006), reliance on self-policing, lack of inspection of imported foods, and inability to force recalls.

42. EPA: mercury levels for coal plants, delay in release of climate change reports; failure to address CO2 levels in global warming:...

43. Porter Goss and the gutting of the CIA:
51. 2005 Grassley Bankruptcy bill heavily favoring lenders

52. Mexican cross border trucking and safety concerns

53. Karl Rove's security clearance and no firing of Libby co-conspirators
65. Backing Israel while it destroyed Lebanon July 12, 2006-August 14, 2006

66. Presidential Daily Brief August 6, 2001: Bin Laden determined to attack in US

67. EPA chief Christie Todd Whitman declares toxic filled Ground Zero safe for cleanup. On August 9, 2003 the EPA Inspector General finds differently.

68. Sago mining disaster hearings and MHSA's David Dye who walked out of the hearings; Bush push for reduction in fines for safety violations and non-collection of them since 2001.

69. Harriet Miers nomination to the Supreme Court October 3-27, 2005
84. AIPAC espionage scandal; former DOD employee Lawrence Franklin pled guilty to passing information on Iran to Israel through two AIPAC employees

85. Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, Bagram; the Marine massacre of 24 Iraqi civilians at Haditha and its coverup

86. Asserted right to open US mail
157. Michael Baroody who was Executive Vice President of the National Association of Manufacturers a powerful K Street lobbying group was nominated by Bush on March 1, 2007 to head the Consumer Products Safety Commission.
172. Johnnie Burton, director of the Minerals Management Service since 2002 resigned May 7, 2007 after an Interior Inspector General report of December 2006. During her tenure, she reduced audits and depended on self-reporting by energy companies resulting in underreporting and underpayment of royalties. The first auditor Bobby Maxwell who noticed a problem had his job eliminated.
185. In a show of rare prescience, on May 6, 2002 George Bush voided the US signature on the treaty (signed by Clinton) establishing an International Criminal Court at the Hague and so set the US and its leaders effectively outside its jurisdiction.
189. In June 2007, Italia Federici agreed to plead guilty to tax evasion and obstructing a Congressional investigation. She was Jack Abramoff's go between for the Interior Department. She headed the Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy, a fake pro-business anti-environmental group created by Gale Norton (who went on to become Secretary of the Interior 2001-2006) and Grover Norquist. ...

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