Saturday, January 07, 2006

Dems Charge GOP Has Corrupted Congress - Yahoo! News

Dems Charge GOP Has Corrupted Congress - Yahoo! News: "Dems Charge GOP Has Corrupted Congress | Sat Jan 7, 11:19 AM ET

WASHINGTON - Democrats accused Republican congressional leaders of corrupting the government, claiming on Saturday that their party has higher ethical standards.

"Under Republican guidance, America has truly been put up for sale to the highest bidder," Rep. Louise Slaughter, D-N.Y., said in her party's weekly radio address.
Slaughter painted the Abramoff case and an earlier guilty plea by former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, R-Calif., as part of a broader pattern of misconduct by Republicans under the sway of highly paid lobbyists.

"Sadly, the legacy of Republican rule has been the fundamental degradation of our democratic institutions and the abandonment of our core principles," Slaughter said.

"Lobbyists are now writing the bills passed by Congress," she contended. "They have infiltrated every aspect of our government. Their money and donations shape the opinions of corrupt lawmakers in a way that public opinion no longer does."

Slaughter said the unethical influence of lobbyists has affected everything from the Iraq War to energy policy to the new Medicare prescription drug plan ...

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