Saturday, September 03, 2005

Demands of wars strain National Guard's efforts -- "We are short literally thousands of Humvees."

Demands of wars since 9/11 strain National Guard's efforts - The Boston Globe: "By Bryan Bender, Globe Staff | September 2, 2005

WASHINGTON -- The National Guard's scramble to bring aid and order to New Orleans and the Gulf Coast is hamstrung by the fact that units across the country have, on average, half their usual amount of equipment -- helicopters, Humvees, trucks, and weapons -- on hand because much of it has been siphoned off to fight the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to military officials and security specialists

The equipment the Guard needs to help in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina is in shorter supply because the gear is in use in combat zones, is battle-damaged, or has been loaned to cover gaps in other units, the officials said. The National Guard Bureau estimates that its nationwide equipment availability rate is 35 percent, about half the normal level, according to Pentagon statistics.
... "We are short literally thousands of Humvees."

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