Saturday, August 06, 2005

GOP pays tribute to Pat Robertson: bill includes a particularly curious $10.8 million for an I-64 exit leading to City Line Road, which doesn’t exist.

GOP pays tribute to Pat Robertson ( Online): "The Virginian-Pilot | � August 5, 2005
Unless, apparently, you’re the well-wired face of the religious right named Pat Robertson, a man to whom the Republican Party is much beholden. Then, you get not one, but two exits serving your empire near the Chesapeake/Virginia Beach line.
Thanks to the work of U.S. Sen. George Allen, as well as U.S. Reps. Thelma Drake and J. Randy Forbes, the new $286 billion transportation bill includes a particularly curious $10.8 million for an I-64 exit leading to City Line Road, which doesn’t exist.

Robertson is planning a $300 million collection of houses, shops and offices. It sounds promising, but that’s really beside the point."

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