Thursday, July 14, 2005

[Plame] CIA agent's husband sees W. House giant cover-up on leak ... Rove [finally] shown as a source who identified the agent.

Excite News: "CIA agent's husband sees W. House cover-up on leak | Jul 14, 10:10 AM (ET) | By Sue Pleming

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The husband of a CIA agent whose identity was revealed amid debate over the Iraq war accused the White House on Thursday of being involved in a giant 'cover-up' in the scandal and said President Bush should fire his top aide Karl Rove.

Federal investigators are looking into who leaked the identity of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame, whose name appeared in a newspaper column in July 2003, and Rove has emerged as a source for at least one media report on the case.

'What this thing has been for the past two years has been a cover-up, a cover-up of the ... web of lies that underpin the justification for going to war in Iraq,' said Plame's husband, Joseph Wilson, a former career foreign-service officer who held diplomatic posts in the first Bush administration and served in the Clinton White House.

'And to a certain extent, this cover-up is becoming unraveled. That's why you see the White House stonewalling,' Wilson said in an interview with NBC's 'Today' show.

Wilson has said repeatedly the leak was aimed at discrediting him for criticizing Bush's Iraq policy in 2003, after a CIA-funded trip in 2002 to investigate whether Niger helped supply nuclear materials to Baghdad.

Rove, the White House deputy chief of staff, has been named by a Time magazine reporter as a source who identified the agent."

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