Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Rep. Randy 'Duke' Cunningham (R-San Diego) sells house, buyer takes a $700,000 loss ... Cunningham is living on buyer's yacht

Duke's Home Boy: " June 21, 2005

Would you hand $40 million to one of the few people who was able to lose money — big money — in the recent Southern California real estate market?

You did. MZM Inc. received that much in U.S. defense contracts in 2003, the same year that the company's president and chief executive bought a house in the San Diego area for $1,675,000. The seller was Rep. Randy 'Duke' Cunningham (R-San Diego), a member of the House Appropriations subcommittee on defense who has supported MZM's bid for contracts.

MZM chief Mitchell Wade put the house on the market within a month and sold it for $975,000, a $700,000 loss in a housing market that bubbles up by the month.
Also unclear is why Cunningham is living on Wade's yacht docked on the Potomac River and whether he is paying market-rate rent, as he claims. Even if he is, this smacks of the kind of coziness that makes taxpayers shudder.

The FBI is reportedly investigating the house sale. Good thing, because there is no longer a functional House Ethics Committee to look into such matters. Republicans, vexed by reprimands of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas), gutted the committee's membership and weakened its rules.

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