Sunday, February 20, 2005

63 journalists have been killed in Iraq, more killed than in entire Vietnam war

AxisofLogic/ Iraq: "PENTAGON THREATENED EARLIER TO KILL REPORTERS IN IRAQ | By Henk Ruyssenaars | Feb 17, 2005, 18:45

February 18, 2005 -- ''Recently at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Eason Jordan, a CNN executive, told a panel that the U.S. military deliberately targeted journalists in Iraq.

He said he 'knew of about 12 journalists who had not only been killed by American troops, but had been targeted as a matter of policy,' said Rep. Barney Frank (D) from Massachusetts, who was on the panel with Jordan.

'When we hear this statement with the knowledge that 63 journalists have been killed in Iraq, in addition to the fact that in a 14-month-period, more journalists were killed in Iraq than during the entire Vietnam War, one begins to get the feeling that the military clampdown on the media is more than a myth or a conspiracy theory'', Baghdad correspondent Dahr Jamail wrote."
The interview below however was conducted long before that, and in it Kate Adie said that the Pentagon c.s. threatened to kill journalists in Iraq which did not follow the official American propaganda line; like Adie wasn't willing to do anymore.

In an interview with Irish radio, Ms. Adie said the Pentagon had threatened to fire on the satellite uplink positions of independent journalists in Iraq, and - questioned about the consequences of such potentially fatal actions -a senior Pentagon officer had said: "Who cares.. ..They've been warned."

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